Ok this post is long due, but I gotta do it no matter how late it is. So where do I begin? Ok, the night before I had to fly off, I didn't sleep at all. I packed and repacked numerous time and it baffled me how my sack kept getting heavier. By the time I fixed the problem, it's time for me to leave.
I spent S$20 on cab fare from my place to the Budget Terminal, grabbed a trolley, dumped my bag on it and I swore I slept while standing and leaning on the trolley. Yes my other friends were late. But they brought breakfast so all's forgiven :)

Then comes the dreadful waiting for the flight to take off. Duty free iz evil I tell ya. The flight itelf was alright as I was asleep most part of it. Touched down @ Phuket International Airport and we went for a quick lunch before raiding Dunkin Donut next to the Burger King. After which the drama began. The locals were touting to bring us to our destination, mind you, it's like 1.5 hours away from the airport. We walked around a bit before settling on this guy whom my friend swore looked like Awie *shrugged*.
The driver's English wasn't that good but we managed to have a few laughters now and then at his antics. He did us a favor and stopped us outside some supermarket so that we can buy some groceries and snacks. We were pretty glad that the area we'll be staying in didn't look very touristy. In fact when we checked in, we counted the number of rooms that were occupied and I could count them with 1 hand.
The room is awesome. Pool access room @ Ayara Villa rocks! We settled down and since its pretty late, we just got ready for dinner. Before which we checked out the beach and we were kinda disappointed with the condition it was in. I blamed it on Mr. Monsoon and he hated to get all the blames and started pouring on us. We manage to reach a nearby restaurant before we got completely drenched. Dinner was good for a place that's hardly patronised by anyone for that matter.

The next day, we wasted no time after breakfast and jumped in the pool. We spent hours in there just swimming, taking photos, bitching and the works. Oh actually after brekkie we did walked about and there's practically nothing. So I shall not waste much time typing about that part.
We went for a slightly overpriced Swedish massage at the hotel cos' we don't feel like going anywhere. Before the sun sets we were already out looking for a new place to eat and we were greeted by a beautiful sunsetscape (is there such a word?).
Everyone's contented with the food and then the drama began. As we were walking back to the hotel, we heard dogs howling nearby... like 500 meters away? And the sound got nearer and nearer. I didn't have a good feeling about it and decided to detour and turned in to another resort nearby to just 'hide' for a bit. The staff approached us and we told them what happened. After which the howling dogs caught up with us and 'waited' for us near the gates. As freaked out as we were, we took the risk and slowly walked out, past them, and 2 of those damn dogs came chasing after my friend and I.
Yes, I screamed at the top of my lungs and the dogs continued to chase me. The locals thought it was funny but I almost passed out cos' my heart was beating so fast. The security caught the dogs but those fucking canines were too strong for the guards. Once they got a good grip, they signaled for us to leave and once we were about 100meters away from the gates, those stupid guards let them go! Anyway I shall skip the scary details and yes, we manage to get back to our room, safely, somehow.

On the 3rd day we decided not to explore the island anymore as we fear the dogs from the night before might be back for 'revenge'. So we booked a private can and travelled 2 hours to get to Patong Beach, Phuket so that my girls could get some retail theraphy. I love Patong, I dunno why, but I'm effing sick of that place. I feel comfortable when I'm there, like 2nd home? Hmm...
I brought them to some back lane for pigging out session that's good for the tummy and the wallet. Before we knew it, we had spent a good 8 hours there! On the way back I kept thinking why the hotel staff kept telling us to come back before 8pm and I had to go through 2 hours of stomach turning van ride through narrow roads with no street lights!! If I have balls, I can safely say they're never coming down again!

I'm like writing a freaking essay here! Anyway on the the 4th day, we took the same van out to a nearby town and just walked around. We walked into this street and ended up having our lunch cum dinner at some resort and YES they have dogs! Still pretty traumatised at that point of time that we played safe and requested the hotel people to let us hire their van to get us back to our hotel.
We were still early (not yet 8pm) when the van dropped us outside the hotel so we thought it's the smartest idea to hang out by the beach to catch the beautiful sunset. We took pictures and stuff before realising we were surrounded by, not dogs, but frickin' mozzies! We had to scrambled outta that place as those damn blood suckers were feasting on us!
Instead of jumping into the showers, we jumped into the pool and poured ourselves a well deserve self concocted cocktails and just being silly till we fell asleep eventually.

We had to wake up at 5am just to be able to reach the airport in time to catch our very early morning flight. I wasn't feeling too well by then and I swore I could throw up anytime. Since we got time to kill at the airport, they got me a hot cup of tea hopefully it'll make me feel better. I'm sure it's not food poisoning of sort but my tummy felt weird and my head was heavy. I can also blame the drinking and the insufficient sleep. So I was totally knocked up on the plane and occassionally woke up to take pictures. See, camwhores like me can smell a lens before the flash :P
Oh, forgot to mention that morning was the first time ever I tried Air Asia, another budget plane. It's Jetstar standard I'd say but it's free seating. Lucky for us the plane wasn't full and we occupied 3 rows just for the heck of it. We reached Singapore near lunctime and what better way to end the trip with a hearty meal at Popeyes :)
That's all folk. Thank you for reading this super long entry and till my next trip... but I'm still gonna be blogging about other stuff. Check out the links below to see the rest of the photos. To the ladies that went on board with me, thank you for the awesome girly fun.
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