I have to share these with you. My manager make copies of this article from The Straits Times which really got me thinking. I'm not gonna type out the whole thing, just exerpts from the article.
There are many ways to conduct a self-development proposal. Today I'll start with Exploring The Present. It mainly explores the needs analysis, where you provide information about yourself. The 5 areas that you look at explore what is important in your life.
1. Physical attributes - such as age, height and weightI think I'm at the age where I'm no longer 'testing water' or playing around. I am where one will call, digging slowly to reach the treasure. At the moment, I'm digging, slowly, but I'm not sure if the treasure is really in the spot I'm digging. I have no issue with my height and weight by the way. I will lose weight if it affects my health, not my career.
2. Emotional attributes - are you shy, cynical, happy or frustrated?It makes me feel human that I have every emotional attributes one might possess. I feel the environment I am in.
3. Mental attributes - your intellectual abilities, such as clever, dull, thoughtful, analytical etc.Aha, I swear I have never considered myself as an intellectual. Street smart,yes. Geeky smart, hell no! I never really graduated from anything after secondary school hence I shall admit my IQ have to be really low. I believe in learning thru life courses.
4. Roles - functions you fulfil in relations to others, eg. are you single, married, a parent, sibling, an employee or your own boss?I'm still single, hopefully I will be able to settle down one day. I won't say I'm the kind of person who will put career before my love life. I would want the 2 to go hand in hand. But one thing definitely I won't get married if I'm not financially prepared.
5. Relationship with others - the characteristic stance you take towards others, such as closed, open, withdrawn or givingI may appear cold to some but I'm really very approachable and enjoys a good laugh. I treat people I work with like colleagues until they bend the line and cross over to me pallies!
Listing 10 statements about yourself does not encompass your whole personality but it usually a good indicator of how you see yourself and your present role in life.
... to be continued...Labels: whatever, work