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    Chart your own progress plan (Part Deux)
    Tuesday, January 30, 20075:46:00 PM 0 commento
    Next lets try envisioning your future. The 2 fundamental questions in these steps are...

    1. What kind of person do I want to be?
    Describe the kinds of skills, abilities, qualities, disposition, character and understanding you want to have

    2. What do I want to do with my life?
    Think of big and small achievements, goals and important issues that concern you

    To achieve the results of the two questions above, you need a strategy that involves answering the seven questions below:

    1. Where am I?
    Describe fully your current state in both your personal and work life.

    2. How did I get there?
    Look back in your life and trace all the elements, events and people who influenced your path in life.

    3. Where do I want to go?
    Using the material from the two fundamental questions, describe your goals.

    4. How will I get there?
    Refer to the information you have gethered about your journey in life so far, and consider new ways if the usual ones are hindering your progress.

    5. What will I do when I arrive?
    Sketch out your intentions and actions.

    6. Where shall I go next?
    Life is a continuous process of change, therefore it is important to plan beyond your immediate horizons.

    7. How do I begin?
    List what you have to do and attach a time frame for each objective.

    I will reflect on these questions in my next entry. My dear friends, let's set aside some time to reflect on what the f**k we're doing in our life right now and how can we make it better. Post your answers on your blog (part une and deux) and I will reveal part trois soon. Good luck!

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    Chart your own progress plan (Part Une)
    Monday, January 29, 20072:38:00 PM 0 commento
    I have to share these with you. My manager make copies of this article from The Straits Times which really got me thinking. I'm not gonna type out the whole thing, just exerpts from the article.

    There are many ways to conduct a self-development proposal. Today I'll start with Exploring The Present. It mainly explores the needs analysis, where you provide information about yourself. The 5 areas that you look at explore what is important in your life.

    1. Physical attributes - such as age, height and weight
    I think I'm at the age where I'm no longer 'testing water' or playing around. I am where one will call, digging slowly to reach the treasure. At the moment, I'm digging, slowly, but I'm not sure if the treasure is really in the spot I'm digging. I have no issue with my height and weight by the way. I will lose weight if it affects my health, not my career.

    2. Emotional attributes - are you shy, cynical, happy or frustrated?
    It makes me feel human that I have every emotional attributes one might possess. I feel the environment I am in.

    3. Mental attributes - your intellectual abilities, such as clever, dull, thoughtful, analytical etc.
    Aha, I swear I have never considered myself as an intellectual. Street smart,yes. Geeky smart, hell no! I never really graduated from anything after secondary school hence I shall admit my IQ have to be really low. I believe in learning thru life courses.

    4. Roles - functions you fulfil in relations to others, eg. are you single, married, a parent, sibling, an employee or your own boss?
    I'm still single, hopefully I will be able to settle down one day. I won't say I'm the kind of person who will put career before my love life. I would want the 2 to go hand in hand. But one thing definitely I won't get married if I'm not financially prepared.

    5. Relationship with others - the characteristic stance you take towards others, such as closed, open, withdrawn or giving
    I may appear cold to some but I'm really very approachable and enjoys a good laugh. I treat people I work with like colleagues until they bend the line and cross over to me pallies!

    Listing 10 statements about yourself does not encompass your whole personality but it usually a good indicator of how you see yourself and your present role in life.

    ... to be continued...

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    Weekly Update
    10:28:00 AM 3 commento
    Yeah, I'm late like that but whatever. Its my blog and I'll update whenever I want to. Last friday my company had a sponsored tea time in our lounge area and since I got crap to do before my weekend starts I had a quick trip over to the buffett table only to steal these...

    Yeah drool away my friends!

    Right after that my MD called me out for a little chat. He asked how was my teabreak and I can't help but to shower him with praises for agreeing to organise such stuff. Little did I realise I don't think thats why he asked me out. Later we sat near the pantry and he whipped out a report and showed me all the clients that we've dealt with for the past 3 months. I just went along not knowing what he wants. After he's done explaining the report to me I was like "Darn, bribing me with awesome sinful stuff to make me do stuff for him!".

    Then he whip out a file and showed me a cheque of value $(bleep). My eyes lit up (like DOH!) and I waited for him to explain what the cheque is for. "This is your commission plus half of it is advance for clients who have not cleared their invoice yet. We're doing this quarterly so if you want your money, ensure client make their payment on time." He prompted if I've got anything to ask him and I went like "erm... why aren't this made monthly?" which he shot me with "You want me to die is it!?" Hehe... he's a funny man :)

    Ah yes, How could we start the year without celebrating this asshole's birthday. We went for a 'big' feast @ Beach Road. No photos cos' all of us got our hand dirtied with red stuff all over. After which we head downtown for a gaming session @ Minds Cafe. We all had a blast! Especially that asshole since we gave him, I think, a wonderful gift after last year's. Hope he will wear it like everyday... till next year! Click any of the thumbnails below to see the rest of the pictures.

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    Guitar Chick!
    Monday, January 22, 20071:14:00 AM 1 commento
    Oh by the way... I set up another blog for another reason here! Check it out if you have the time :P


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    Sunday, January 21, 200711:42:00 PM 1 commento
    Another 'class' today with ma man. Not too bad. He's happy with my progress and my fingers' taking it well... at least better than the last time. I learnt 3 songs today to practice at my own pace. Kelly Clarkson - Breakaway, Labamba (don't ask!) and Smashing Pumpkin - Zero.

    Here's me playing Zero.


    Anyways, here's a few more clips of Fahmy rockin' it... A+ for trying :)


    Sorry baby...

    Anyway speaking of Billy Corgan... check him out... past to present :)

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    Bye, Strum, Boo, Fastfood, GOAL!
    Monday, January 15, 200711:24:00 AM 1 commento
    ... ya rite~!

    Lots of stuff to blog today. Many many things happening in my life last week. I'm not even sure where to start. Hmmm...

    Last friday was Clifford last day sitting behind me. I have no one to irritate me anymore in the office right now. In fact today the office is so quiet I actually felt like I'm working. Haha~! He had left for greener (more like concrete/cemented one) pasture. Am I gonna miss him? I dunno... too soon to tell.

    On Saturday I dragged Hazel's old guitar to Peninsula Plaza to get it checked and repair whatever's that needed to be fixed. Cost me $35 and I also bought me some guitar picks and a tuner. They helped me fix everything. So whatever's that broken is now... unbroken *LOL*.


    I caught Fast Food Nation at GV Plaza and boy am I disappointed. Is it a movie? Is it a documentary? Who knows! Its B-O-R-I-N-G~! I tell ya... If not for Wilmer Valderama in there, I would have fallen asleep! Fahmy kept glaring at me whenever Wilmer's on screen. He's cute ain't he?

    After a quick dinner at Delifrance, we head to Boat Quay for an impromptu guitar lesson. He's a good teacher, I'm a lousy student, together we make good blister on my fingers. Yeah... I can play Whats Up by 4 Non Blondes. My fingers are so bloody stiff I swear I wanna bite them off. I can't play the C chord proper up till now!

    Around 8-ish, we hunt for the nearest pub with a big TV screening football match since the beau wants to catch the Liverpool-Watford game. Thank God Liverpool won otherwise I would have gotten an earful from him!

    Ah... yup. That's it for now... another exciting weekend coming up!

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    Do your life suck?
    Tuesday, January 09, 20079:34:00 AM 1 commento
    I had a very long conversation last night with someone who's life apparently suck so bad they're on suicidal mode. I never believed that killing yourself is the way to go although many will agree that its easier said than done. How bad could life be? There are soooo many poor souls in 3rd world country inspite of their sucky life, fight on and pray for a better future.

    What do people in our society do in times of 'suckiness'? We complain, we lament, we whine, we rant and then what? Commit suicide? Just because you have no idea how to overcome life's hardship doesn't mean other people can't help you and doesn't mean there's no solution to it at all. It also doesn't mean suicide is the only answer to all your problems. Everybody has problems. We're all born fighters but we're not actually aware of it. If we weren't even the slightest bit struggling, I don't think we will all be where we are now.

    That's life. As shitty as it may seem, there's a reason for it. No one in this world have no problems and struggles in life at all. If you're the fortunate one, come forth. Tell me how fantastic your life is... I'll beg to differ... I dare ya!


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    The Devil and The Scoundrels
    Saturday, January 06, 200711:14:00 PM 1 commento

    You are The Devil

    Materiality. Material Force. Material temptation; sometimes obsession

    The Devil is often a great card for business success; hard work and ambition.

    Perhaps the most misunderstood of all the major arcana, the Devil is not really "Satan" at all, but Pan the half-goat nature god and/or Dionysius. These are gods of pleasure and abandon, of wild behavior and unbridled desires. This is a card about ambitions; it is also synonymous with temptation and addiction. On the flip side, however, the card can be a warning to someone who is too restrained, someone who never allows themselves to get passionate or messy or wild - or ambitious. This, too, is a form of enslavement. As a person, the Devil can stand for a man of money or erotic power, aggressive, controlling, or just persuasive. This is not to say a bad man, but certainly a powerful man who is hard to resist. The important thing is to remember that any chain is freely worn. In most cases, you are enslaved only because you allow it.

    What Tarot Card are You?
    Take the Test to Find Out.

    I don't think I deserve this card... damn you Lindsay!

    Anyway just came back from watching School of Scoundrels. Its actually pretty good. If you like Anger Management, you will like this one cos' its pretty much about there but without Mr. Sandler :(. Ben Stiller's in it though but he will only make an appearance during the last 75% of the movie. I'd give it 7/10. It made me laugh so I say its good.

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    Yappy Yew Year!
    Monday, January 01, 20074:21:00 PM 1 commento
    Its 2007 and I hope you had partied the twenty-o-six away like your life depends on it! I personally had a different kind of celebration. I was in a place where I get to feel for someone else. I was a proud mama watching my baby on stage doing something he love the most (other than me). I couldn't wipe the smile off my face the whole night and he knows it and thought it was weird. He got an encore to play with another band and I had shamelessly announced to the peeps near my table that HAWT bassist is my boyfriend! Shameless I tell ya...

    Oh ya, there's videos too but that'll take time to load so maybe on the next entry or so... HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone. Have an awesome 2007. IN YA FACE 2006!~

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