A lot has happened in less than a month since I last updated this blog. MJ passes on (RIP), so did Farah Fawcett and a lot more people that I do not know
(??). On a lighter note, I am excited about my upcoming trip to
Redang, Malaysia in a month's time!
I am sad cos' my laptop ain't in my possession as we're reading this. I had to send it back to the manufacturer to run a test to ensure nothing is wrong with it. Call me
KIASU but I can't even play my
Sims 2, let alone
Sims 3, with it! They picked it up from me on Friday morning and I am holding my breathe for 3-4 working days till its back in my arms again :(
I've made 2 separate purchases on Old Navy and now I can bet my ass that I will be broke soon! I've been going out everyday since I do not have my laptop with me at home. I need a new hobby. I sort of started reading again. First book, I finished in 4 days, is called
Thousand Splendid Suns. Trust me, if I enjoyed it, you will to! Then I spent another 4 days finishing the
Secret Heiress. Also another good one! In fact I find it hard to put down both books away!
I wished I can update this entry with pictures, but I am still waiting for most of them to be sent to me or at least uploaded on
Facebook. I met up with
long-time-no-see friends and schoolmates and it hath been
fun fun fun!
Ok back to work now...
*sigh*Labels: books, friends, happiness, money, travel