Last night... MAP Award Presentation for the SEA Games medal winners @ Ministry of Sound. Yes, I know what you're thinking. FINALLY I got in! For free! *Nyeh Nyeh Nyeh Nyeh*. My duty for the day is to be a door bitch (or something along that line).
There's door bitch #1

There's door bitch #2

There are a couple others who served as our entertainers. It can get very boring waiting for some action to happen. My door bitch #1 refused to make a fool of himself for my benefit. Therefore we found back up bitches to do the job. There are many who are willing to "serve" us!
Nothing interesting happened during my duty hours. So looking forward to me being in there where all the action is! I have peeps reserving seats for me already so all that's left is for me to stock up on my poison before the official bar close!
We moved around the place... from Club 54, to the main arena, to the R&B spot. No matter where you are, its always very very crowded. Except for the ladies room. Very nice toilet I must say. Wondering how much they had invested in that place.
Most of the Team Singapore clan were hanging out at Club 54. Retro arena but its cool. Not too bad since I can actually endure that place for more than an hour. There I spotted some hidden talents among our staff. Some looked really shy/demure/stiff on the outside, but they really got them ass jiggy with it on the dancefloor! I was impressed! I enjoyed the "show" very much!
Then Fida started to get really HOT! Too darn hot...
I started landing my head on anything... anything... I wasn't high. Seriously I was tired. I wasn't feeling too good that day to start off with and I left the rest of my lozenges in my bag which is in the baggage area. I ran out of drinks... losing my voice and I might have lost my sanity a little... God knows!
These are the few conversation I rememebered in my very "HOT" state.
"Damn girl, do you know that you're hot?" - I laughed in his face
"I don't think I've met you before" - I introduced myself and we ended dancing a wee bit too close. But its alright, I saw him having a bit of a fascination with another jiggy master on the dancefloor. Yup, a bisexual maybe?
"Hey, how you doin'?" - I wanted to turn and ask if he's a big fan of FRIENDS like me too!
"Are you alright? You wanna go to the toilet?" - Do I look constipated when I'm tired?
"Don't bother about him... enjoy yourself!" - Don't bother about who now?
I also recalled some parts where people kept touching my face when I told them I'm hot. I knew I did made some of my colleagues touched my cheeks but those are the intentional ones...
There was also one point I felt someone running ice cube on my body. Like WTF! Is it some trick guys use to make the ladies horny? Sheesh!
Anyway, I will let the photos do the talking. You might be able to catch snippets of it on Girls Gone Wild, Singapore Edition(Bigger, Longer & Uncut) in mid 2006. No worries, everyone had their clothes on till the end of the show! Hahaha...
So who wants to party with me now?
Labels: friends, happiness, nightlife, vainpot, work