Less than 30hrs to go before we begin the most unforgettable journey (well, at least for me) together. Come 9pm tomorrow, my time, I will be up, awake, kickin' back in front of my PC screen, raising money for the charity of my choice.
I am very sure my dear friends reading this will have their eyebrows raised while reading this entry but seriously I am charitable. I just don't show it. And what better way to volunteer in such event is to have the whole world going hand-in-hand, or rather, network-to-network, raising funds for the charities of their choice. And the best part is, we don't need big time celebrities to act like circus freak before people will donate in amusement.
Ok the next part's a little wordy (a lot actually) but I have to have all this in to tell you more about charity and what they do and how your money can aid their humanitarian needs.
Why MILK?Kids, I know I hate them but I have a soft spot for the unfortunate ones. I want to kill those I see screaming up and down the shopping mall, but I hate to see those who lost the opportunity to live their childhood because of many unforeseen reasons.
There are kids who were force to mature faster because of the state of life they're force to live by. Kids with illness have to think why they shouldn't whine and complain about not being able to play with the other kids in the sun.
Some couldn't afford to tell their friends about how much fun they had last night at McDonalds cos' they can't even afford it. Maybe they have never tasted french fries before in their life.
Smart they may be but being ablt to attend school can be a luxury. I know how they feel and I felt guilty for kicking a fuss cos I couldn't afford further studies.
Where will the money go to?Beyond Social Service - Fighting delinquency in children and youth by supporting their pre-school programme and the use of supplementary therapy which includes sports and music.
The Hope Fund - By providing financial assistance through the Hope Fund to disabled children and children of disabled parents, so that they can continue their studies in schools and tertiary institutions.
KK Outreach to Kids Fund - Through KK Women's and Children's Hospital, we support children who suffer from chronic illness such as thalassaemia, diabetes, epilepsy, hormonal disorders, and children on the Children's Heart Programme and Home Care Services.
SINGAPORE ASSOCIATION FOR THE DEAF (SADeaf) - MILK works mainly with the Itinerant Support Service department of SADeaf. We fund the purchase of Frequency Modular (FM) System Sets for the Loan Service to ensure that hearing impaired children do not have to go without their hearing aids while their sets are under repair or pending approval from the Assistive Technology Fund (ATF).
MILK also provides financial assistance for repair and maintenance of hearing aids and FM sets for children whose families cannot afford them. MILK funds the Deaf Parents Support Group (DPSG) to help bridge the communication gap between the hearing impaired parents and their hearing children.
PATHLIGHT SCHOOL for Autistic Children - MILK provides financial support for Pathlight School, run by Autism Resource Centre, the first school for autistic children that offers mainstream curriculum. MILK provides monthly financial assistance for autistic children from low-income families, for their transport, textbooks, stationery, uniforms and enrichment programmes.
MILK does not just help kids in Singapore. They do pitch in to volunteer in neighbouring countries. Recently they had an event to raise funds for kids in
Timor Leste.
So what now?I am doing this for the first time and your tremendous support is what I need right now. I am not collecting the money and putting it in my NEW YORK FUND but this is really for
MILK, I swear. This is not a hoax, its as real as Paris Hilton cutting an album, singing, yes, not stripping or having hawwttt sex with some dude.
Show me some love... donate now, any amount... its the thought that counts.

SPONSOR ME!Labels: blogathon06